Lecture Series
Past Webinars
On Friday, October 15th, 2021 at 7:00 PM PST we hosted three live presentations for our Fungus Talks by Gurus:
Introducing the new go-to guidebook "Mushrooms of BC" by authors Andy MacKinnon and Kem Luther
Long-time FAU gurus Andy and Kem proudly present their new book and how it will help you figure out what fungus is in front of your face​
​Mushrooms and mental health by Thom O'Dell
Thom presents a quick dive into recent research using mushrooms to treat addiction, Alzheimer's, and more.​
​Winners of the Fantastic Fungi Photo Contest
Announced by professional photographer Joern Rohde
On Wednesday, June 9th, 2021 at 7:00 PM - 8:30 PST we hosted a FREE webinar for our BioBlitz Talks: Old Growth Forests & Forestry in BC and Whistler with Dr. Rachel Holt and Bob Brett.
A Provincial Overview of BC’s Old Growth Forests: What is all the fuss about, and what happens now?
Old forest matters; not only for its inherent qualities and cultural values, but also because old forest retention is the Province’s principle strategy to maintain biodiversity. Last year, a report by Price, Holt and Daust entitled BC’s Old Growth Forests: A Last Stand for Biodiversity highlighted the very poor condition of productive old forest in BC, and recommended key actions to prevent matters from getting worse. At the same time, an independent panel (The Strategic Old Growth Panel) wrote a report for the Minister of Forests outlining the poor condition and mis-management of old forests in the province, and they provided 14 recommendations for change. Currently, First Nation and public concerns are rising as a year has passed and nothing of substance has changed. This talk by Rachel Holt will bring together the findings from these reports and provide an overview of what issues are relevant to the future of old forest in BC.
Rachel Holt, Ph.D., R.P.Bio. is an ecologist, trained in the science of conservation biology and land management, and spends her days working to apply science in the land and resource management context. Her areas of expertise include technical analysis of environmental conditions and trends, working with technical and negotiation teams to solve large and small scale conservation challenges, presenting and explaining complex issues to technical and lay audiences, and scientific development of management frameworks. She has been a member of multiple versions of provincial government Old Growth Working Groups and cumulative effects teams over the last 20 plus years. She has also been a member and Vice Chair of the Forest Practices Board. Rachel lives in Nelson with her lovely family, dog and too many chickens.
The Local Context of Old Growth in Whistler​
Bob Brett is a local forest ecologist and professional biologist who has studied old forests for almost three decades. Tree cores he analyzed from over 1,000 trees showed that almost all uncut forests in Whistler are over 300 years old, with some 1,000 years and even older (published by AWARE as the Old Tree Map). He also studies Northern Goshawks, a raptor that requires old forest habitats and which is threatened by logging in Whistler. His report on local Northern Goshawks is available on the AWARE website. In his talk, Bob will provide local context about the forests around Whistler and the Cheakamus Community Forest and discussing how best to affect change in here in the Sea to Sky.
On Friday, March 19th, 2021 at 5:30-7:30 PM PST we co-hosted a FREE webinar with AWARE to give you An Inside Look at Forestry in BC and Whistler, an event designed to educate our community on best forestry practices and the realities of forestry in BC now and into the future.
From Intact Forests to Degraded Fibre Farms: a Story of Privatized Public Forests and How to Change the Story
Herb Hammond is a Registered Professional Forester and forest ecologist with over 30 years of experience in research, industry, teaching and consulting. In his talk Herb will discuss how BC has gone from intact forests to degraded fibre farms. He explains why we need to change the story from one of privatized corporate controlled “public” forests to ecologically and socially responsible public control of forests, including community forest boards that make decisions based on protection and restoration of ecological integrity. He delves into the reasons that the corporate model has become entrenched in BC government, the problems it has caused for the forests and public, and why it’s better for the public interest to focus on forest protection, rather than exploitation. Within this ecological framework, he maintains that people who are close to the forest are more likely to make decisions favourable to the forest, and the broad public interest. He gives examples of where there is public control of public forests and how this model involves cooperative problem solving, accountability for those who operate in the forests, and priority given to the many benefits we receive from forest ecosystems. Biofuels have become the latest way to exploit forests. Herb also explains why burning wood to produce electricity is neither carbon neutral nor ecologically responsible and is only made possible by large subsidies both in BC where the wood pellets originate and at the locations where they are burned.
The Local Context & Changing the Sea to Sky Story​
Bob Brett is a local forest ecologist and professional biologist who has studied old forests for almost three decades. Tree cores he analyzed from over 1,000 trees showed that almost all uncut forests in Whistler are over 300 years old, with some 1,000 years and even older (published by AWARE as the Old Tree Map). He also studies Northern Goshawks, a raptor that requires old forest habitats and which is threatened by logging in Whistler. His report on local Northern Goshawks is available on the AWARE website. In his talk, Bob will provide local context about the forests around Whistler and the Cheakamus Community Forest and discussing how best to affect change in here in the Sea to Sky.
On Friday, October 16th, 2020 at 7:00 PM PST we hosted four live presentations for our Fungus Talks by Gurus:
An Enthusiasts Guide to Mushroom Picking - Learned do's and don't's by Veronica Woodruff
Veronica is a passionate nature enthusiast and will give a short talk on do's and don't's for beginners and experts alike.
​Marvellous Microscopic World of Spores by Bryce Kendrick
Bryce will uncover the secrets behind the life cycle of fungi by examining their marvellous variety of spores.
​Winners of the Fantastic Fungi Photo Contest
Announced by professional photographers Joern Rohde and Andy Dittrich
A Natural and Cultural History of Magic Mushrooms in BC by Andy MacKinnon and Paul Kroeger
​Andy will explore the natural history of BC's magic mushrooms, and their role in the rapidly changing counterculture of the 1960s, 1970s and 1980s, and up to the present day.
On Saturday, October 17th, 2020 at 4:00 PM PST we hosted a Live cooking demonstration with Chef Bruce Worden:
Cooking and Preserving Wild Mushrooms with Chef Bruce Worden
Have you ever wanted some inspiration on how to prepare wild mushrooms in mouth-watering ways? Or wondered how to preserve mushrooms to use throughout the winter? Join Chef Bruce Worden as he shares his in-depth knowledge of everything having to do with foraging and eating mushrooms and preserving the wild. During this live virtual event Bruce will be sharing recipes and answering as many questions from the audience as he can. Bruce is the General Manager at Milestones restaurant in Whistler, Chef and mushroom guru.
Download the recipes here so that you can follow along or try it afterwards!
On Friday, September 18th, 2020 at 2:00 PM PST we hosted a Livestream for the Forest March BC - Whistler event featuring Sabrina Hinitz, Kristina Swerhun, and Bob Brett from the Whistler Naturalists, Georgina Dan of Lil'wat Nation from the SLCC, Claire Ruddy from AWARE & Arthur De Jong from the RMOW to discuss old-growth logging in Whistler and around the province of B.C.
On Thursday, June 25th, 2020 at 6:30 PM PST we hosted two live presentations for our BioBlitz Talks:
What are FUNGI all about? A report on their diversity by mycologist Bryce Kendrick
Bryce Kendrick has studied fungi for 67 years, published over 300 mycological papers and several books, and described more than 250 new taxa. He specializes in the study of moulds and other microscopic fungi. He taught at the University of Waterloo for 30 years before retiring to Vancouver Island in 1994. He now works diligently at extirpating invasive alien plants like broom, gorse, Daphne and toadflax from ecologically sensitive areas in the Saanich Peninsula, assists his wife in her garden, reads widely, listen to a lot of music and does a lot of E-mailing.
The Fire of Life: metabolism and energy flow in animals and ecosystems by ecologist Jordan Rosenfeld
Jordan is an aquatic ecologist who lives in Vancouver. His childhood was spent in Ontario collecting bugs and falling into streams. He eventually blundered out to the west coast, where he studies the effect of habitat on ecological processes in streams and energetic constraints on fish distribution and abundance. His specific research is focused on modelling fish habitat, habitat requirements of fish species at risk, optimal stream flows, bioenergetic modelling of juvenile salmonid growth, and understanding how habitat structure affects energy flow in streams. In his spare time Jordan likes to sit on a couch watching TV.
"Metabolism has been called the fire of life because low-temperature oxidation of organic matter is what powers animal (and plant) life on planet earth. Although metabolic differentiation isn't obvious like wing shape or colour on birds and butterflies, it underlies much of global diversity."
Past Webinars
On Friday, October 15th, 2021 at 7:00 PM PST we hosted three live presentations for our Fungus Talks by Gurus:
Introducing the new go-to guidebook "Mushrooms of BC" by authors Andy MacKinnon and Kem Luther
Long-time FAU gurus Andy and Kem proudly present their new book and how it will help you figure out what fungus is in front of your face​
​Mushrooms and mental health by Thom O'Dell
Thom presents a quick dive into recent research using mushrooms to treat addiction, Alzheimer's, and more.​
​Winners of the Fantastic Fungi Photo Contest
Announced by professional photographer Joern Rohde
On Wednesday, June 9th, 2021 at 7:00 PM - 8:30 PST we hosted a FREE webinar for our BioBlitz Talks: Old Growth Forests & Forestry in BC and Whistler with Dr. Rachel Holt and Bob Brett.
A Provincial Overview of BC’s Old Growth Forests: What is all the fuss about, and what happens now?
Old forest matters; not only for its inherent qualities and cultural values, but also because old forest retention is the Province’s principle strategy to maintain biodiversity. Last year, a report by Price, Holt and Daust entitled BC’s Old Growth Forests: A Last Stand for Biodiversity highlighted the very poor condition of productive old forest in BC, and recommended key actions to prevent matters from getting worse. At the same time, an independent panel (The Strategic Old Growth Panel) wrote a report for the Minister of Forests outlining the poor condition and mis-management of old forests in the province, and they provided 14 recommendations for change. Currently, First Nation and public concerns are rising as a year has passed and nothing of substance has changed. This talk by Rachel Holt will bring together the findings from these reports and provide an overview of what issues are relevant to the future of old forest in BC.
Rachel Holt, Ph.D., R.P.Bio. is an ecologist, trained in the science of conservation biology and land management, and spends her days working to apply science in the land and resource management context. Her areas of expertise include technical analysis of environmental conditions and trends, working with technical and negotiation teams to solve large and small scale conservation challenges, presenting and explaining complex issues to technical and lay audiences, and scientific development of management frameworks. She has been a member of multiple versions of provincial government Old Growth Working Groups and cumulative effects teams over the last 20 plus years. She has also been a member and Vice Chair of the Forest Practices Board. Rachel lives in Nelson with her lovely family, dog and too many chickens.
The Local Context of Old Growth in Whistler​
Bob Brett is a local forest ecologist and professional biologist who has studied old forests for almost three decades. Tree cores he analyzed from over 1,000 trees showed that almost all uncut forests in Whistler are over 300 years old, with some 1,000 years and even older (published by AWARE as the Old Tree Map). He also studies Northern Goshawks, a raptor that requires old forest habitats and which is threatened by logging in Whistler. His report on local Northern Goshawks is available on the AWARE website. In his talk, Bob will provide local context about the forests around Whistler and the Cheakamus Community Forest and discussing how best to affect change in here in the Sea to Sky.
On Friday, March 19th, 2021 at 5:30-7:30 PM PST we co-hosted a FREE webinar with AWARE to give you An Inside Look at Forestry in BC and Whistler, an event designed to educate our community on best forestry practices and the realities of forestry in BC now and into the future.
From Intact Forests to Degraded Fibre Farms: a Story of Privatized Public Forests and How to Change the Story
Herb Hammond is a Registered Professional Forester and forest ecologist with over 30 years of experience in research, industry, teaching and consulting. In his talk Herb will discuss how BC has gone from intact forests to degraded fibre farms. He explains why we need to change the story from one of privatized corporate controlled “public” forests to ecologically and socially responsible public control of forests, including community forest boards that make decisions based on protection and restoration of ecological integrity. He delves into the reasons that the corporate model has become entrenched in BC government, the problems it has caused for the forests and public, and why it’s better for the public interest to focus on forest protection, rather than exploitation. Within this ecological framework, he maintains that people who are close to the forest are more likely to make decisions favourable to the forest, and the broad public interest. He gives examples of where there is public control of public forests and how this model involves cooperative problem solving, accountability for those who operate in the forests, and priority given to the many benefits we receive from forest ecosystems. Biofuels have become the latest way to exploit forests. Herb also explains why burning wood to produce electricity is neither carbon neutral nor ecologically responsible and is only made possible by large subsidies both in BC where the wood pellets originate and at the locations where they are burned.
The Local Context & Changing the Sea to Sky Story​
Bob Brett is a local forest ecologist and professional biologist who has studied old forests for almost three decades. Tree cores he analyzed from over 1,000 trees showed that almost all uncut forests in Whistler are over 300 years old, with some 1,000 years and even older (published by AWARE as the Old Tree Map). He also studies Northern Goshawks, a raptor that requires old forest habitats and which is threatened by logging in Whistler. His report on local Northern Goshawks is available on the AWARE website. In his talk, Bob will provide local context about the forests around Whistler and the Cheakamus Community Forest and discussing how best to affect change in here in the Sea to Sky.
On Friday, October 16th, 2020 at 7:00 PM PST we hosted four live presentations for our Fungus Talks by Gurus:
An Enthusiasts Guide to Mushroom Picking - Learned do's and don't's by Veronica Woodruff
Veronica is a passionate nature enthusiast and will give a short talk on do's and don't's for beginners and experts alike.
​Marvellous Microscopic World of Spores by Bryce Kendrick
Bryce will uncover the secrets behind the life cycle of fungi by examining their marvellous variety of spores.
​Winners of the Fantastic Fungi Photo Contest
Announced by professional photographers Joern Rohde and Andy Dittrich
A Natural and Cultural History of Magic Mushrooms in BC by Andy MacKinnon and Paul Kroeger
​Andy will explore the natural history of BC's magic mushrooms, and their role in the rapidly changing counterculture of the 1960s, 1970s and 1980s, and up to the present day.
On Saturday, October 17th, 2020 at 4:00 PM PST we hosted a Live cooking demonstration with Chef Bruce Worden:
Cooking and Preserving Wild Mushrooms with Chef Bruce Worden
Have you ever wanted some inspiration on how to prepare wild mushrooms in mouth-watering ways? Or wondered how to preserve mushrooms to use throughout the winter? Join Chef Bruce Worden as he shares his in-depth knowledge of everything having to do with foraging and eating mushrooms and preserving the wild. During this live virtual event Bruce will be sharing recipes and answering as many questions from the audience as he can. Bruce is the General Manager at Milestones restaurant in Whistler, Chef and mushroom guru.
Download the recipes here so that you can follow along or try it afterwards!
On Friday, September 18th, 2020 at 2:00 PM PST we hosted a Livestream for the Forest March BC - Whistler event featuring Sabrina Hinitz, Kristina Swerhun, and Bob Brett from the Whistler Naturalists, Georgina Dan of Lil'wat Nation from the SLCC, Claire Ruddy from AWARE & Arthur De Jong from the RMOW to discuss old-growth logging in Whistler and around the province of B.C.
On Thursday, June 25th, 2020 at 6:30 PM PST we hosted two live presentations for our BioBlitz Talks:
What are FUNGI all about? A report on their diversity by mycologist Bryce Kendrick
Bryce Kendrick has studied fungi for 67 years, published over 300 mycological papers and several books, and described more than 250 new taxa. He specializes in the study of moulds and other microscopic fungi. He taught at the University of Waterloo for 30 years before retiring to Vancouver Island in 1994. He now works diligently at extirpating invasive alien plants like broom, gorse, Daphne and toadflax from ecologically sensitive areas in the Saanich Peninsula, assists his wife in her garden, reads widely, listen to a lot of music and does a lot of E-mailing.
The Fire of Life: metabolism and energy flow in animals and ecosystems by ecologist Jordan Rosenfeld
Jordan is an aquatic ecologist who lives in Vancouver. His childhood was spent in Ontario collecting bugs and falling into streams. He eventually blundered out to the west coast, where he studies the effect of habitat on ecological processes in streams and energetic constraints on fish distribution and abundance. His specific research is focused on modelling fish habitat, habitat requirements of fish species at risk, optimal stream flows, bioenergetic modelling of juvenile salmonid growth, and understanding how habitat structure affects energy flow in streams. In his spare time Jordan likes to sit on a couch watching TV.
"Metabolism has been called the fire of life because low-temperature oxidation of organic matter is what powers animal (and plant) life on planet earth. Although metabolic differentiation isn't obvious like wing shape or colour on birds and butterflies, it underlies much of global diversity."