Fungus Among Us
Photo by James Holkko
Thanks to everyone who participated in another great Fungus Among Us Mushroom Festival this past weekend. Fungus Among Us is probably the most fun of any of our events — mushrooms seem to put everyone in a good mood even during an election, and Blue Jays' losses.
Tons of fungi in the woods brought out an enthusiastic crowd of fungophiles for Friday talks, Saturday walks and the cooking show. By Saturday afternoon the display tables at Myrtle Philip were filled with almost 200 species of mushrooms of all shapes and sizes that impressed the hundreds of people who viewed them.
We couldn't run the festival without our 20 fabulous mushroom gurus who gave talks, led walks, and labelled and presided over the mushroom display. Special thanks to the presenters: Bryce Kendrick (Fungus in our Food) and Andy MacKinnon (The Secret life of Whistler's Mushrooms).
Our popular gourmet mushroom tasting wouldn't have been possible without the great expertise and wonderful creativity of Chef Bruce Worden from Milestones.
Thanks also to the amazing group of volunteers who helped out and all the folks that came out to share their enthusiasm and wonder for all things fungal.
Finally, the Whistler Naturalists would like to thank our key sponsors: the Community Foundation of Whistler, AWARE, RMOW and Nesters Market (who donated the yummy wild mushrooms for the cooking show).
See you next year, as always the weekend after Thanksgiving.
Thanks to Joern Rohde for these photos: