Fungus Among Us

Photo by Kristina Swerhun
Mother Nature was smiling on Whistler on Saturday, Oct. 16, as 130 keen mushroomers enjoyed sunny (but nippy) fungal forays led by scientists at the eighth annual Fungus Among Us Mushroom Festival. Over 160 species were recorded at the event, of which at least 30 are new! These new records will bring the Whistler Biodiversity Project mushroom list close to 500 different species of mushrooms. The Whistler Naturalists would like to thank all those who made the annual event possible: the 12 fabulous scientists for their talks Friday night and for leading the walks on Saturday; Owen Foster from Nita Lake Lodge for presenting the cooking with mushrooms show and tasting; Nesters Market for donating wild mushrooms for the tasting; all the volunteers who helped out; the RMOW for providing financial support; and all the folks that came out to share their enthusiasm and wonder for all things fungal.
Thanks to Kristina Swerhun for these photos: