BioBlitz is a 24-hour race against the clock to count as many species as possible––mammals, birds, plants, frogs, fish, bugs––you name it. A BioBlitz introduces people to real (and fun) science and the amazing diversity surrounding us. The concept of BioBlitz was created by Harvard biodiversity icon E.O. Wilson to raise awareness of the huge diversity of animals and plants, even in developed areas. Since its creation, annual BioBlitzes have spread throughout North America. The Whistler Naturalists are proud to have presented the first BioBlitz here in 2007.
One quote from a BioBlitz participant and mother summarizes the spirit of the event:
“If I had attended an event like this when I was his age,” pointing to her four year-old son who was busily sorting moths in one of the entomologist’s pans, “I probably would have become a scientist. I just never knew that anything like this existed.”

Species Found
The BioBlitz targets alpine and valley ecosystems across Whistler. Results from the BioBlitz will contribute to the Whistler Biodiversity Project, a multi-year, multi-group effort to catalogue and protect our native biodiversity.
Each year between 50 and 100 species are added from our annual BioBlitz and Fungus Among Us events to the Whistler list. The grand total is now approaching 5,000 species and continues to be updated each year. Find the most recent list in the Whistler Species Summary here.